piątek, 22 stycznia 2010

Jan Durina

Krótka nota. Chciałbym zaprosić na wystawę Jana Duriny - fotografa Department of Visual Arts and Intermedia on Faculty of Arts w Koszycach na Słowacji. Wystawa pod tytułem Beneath the skin a caustic red river trwa od 16 stycznia do 10 lutego w Miejce Bar w Krakowie (ul. Estery 1). Polecam.

Wojciech Delikta
: Firstly I’d like to congratulate you on exhibiting your works in Kraków! Can you explain the meaning of the title: ‘Beneath the skin a caustic red river’ ?
Jan Durina: Thank you very much! The sentence "Beneath the skin a caustic red river" is a part taken from the lyric by Queen Adreena. Music and lyrics by QA are my huge inspiration.

: At first glance your photographs resemble works of Nan Goldin or Juergen Teller. I think you have a lot in common. You present human behaviour, but I’m not sure if it’s fully human. Am I wrong?
J.D.: Yes, I like works of Goldin and Teller. You‛re right, I often try to reflect and refer to behaviour of human and animal and find variances between them or things they have in common, "deficiencies" of them.

: Which words would you pick from the dictionary to describe your inspiration?

Liberty, animality, imagination, mystery, a black rose in a golden cellophane

Umberto Eco said in his novel 'The Name of the Rose' that there is no difference between the devilish ardour and love of seraphim. Would you agree with Eco?

courtesy of artist

Jan Durina: fotografia, malarstwo i rysunek, video